by | Jan 30, 2025 | Uncategorized
There are many reasons to love working at camp. The outdoors, creativity, combining work and play, building skills for your resume and life while earning money, making long-lasting connections, and becoming a child’s hero are some of them. If you relate to any...
by | Jan 8, 2024 | Uncategorized
January is a wonderful time for both reflection and preparation. It is a time to review the prior year, recall how our actions made us feel, and set goals for the new year with a renewed purpose. At Nobles Day Camp, we are doing all of this. We are thinking about...
by | Oct 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
For eight weeks every summer, Nobles Day Camp is alive with energy, movement, learning, excitement, and fun. Then it comes to what feels like a screeching halt. In less than 24 hours, almost every trace of camp is returned to storage. The pools are drained. ...
by | Aug 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
We have been to outer space, celebrated Halloween, danced through the decades, been amongst heroes and villains, and been on an ocean odyssey. Our campers are going to Hollywood, having color wars in the elements, and getting their tie dye on. All these are our Fun...
by | Apr 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Nobles Day Camp is busy planning for our 76th summer! Starting June 26, over 750 campers, from preschoolers to teens entering high school, will join about 300 staff members for fun, enrichment and memories to last a lifetime. The primary goals for our campers are...
by | Feb 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
Nobles Day Camp is thrilled to introduce our new camp director, Beth Johns-Thomas! Beth brings 30 years of experience as a professional camp director to us. She has been in leadership roles at day and overnight camps, profit and nonprofit camps, and single-sex and...